Thursday, December 14, 2017

Psycho babble

More money descends on beleaguered Johnston Press - this time a big cash hand-out from the 4th round of Google's Digital News Initiative. It's for two projects - Mooding and Local Active.

"Mooding aims to harness a reader’s state of mind, profiling their affinity to different types and tones of content in order to personalise their experience and improve engagement.

"Readers of news sites tend to be targeted by geography, demographics and behaviour. The project will focus on creating a deeper understanding of consumers, using psychographic profiling to harness users’ attitudes, moods, values and aspirations with a view to gaining greater insights into content preferences, purchasing decisions and brand relevance. This deeper understanding will subsequently allow optimisation of content plans, product development and commercial solutions."

Johnston Press also received funding for ‘Local Active‘, a hyperlocal, mobile-focused service to deliver location-based information (sounds like something first proposed by the BBC in 2008.)

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